
Python GUI 044 – Transpo Fixed Distance

The more I work on writing up the Transpo cipher solvers, the more I realize I have to elaborate more on general background subjects, too. I had to go in for a root canal treatment (one of four visits to the dentist for one tooth), and the anesthetic keeps wearing off before the dentist is…

The Whiz Wheel on Display

I have received reliable information that Jeff Man’s Whiz Wheel has been put on display at the National Cryptologic Museum at NSA, and may remain available to the public until Sept. Quote: “It features several cipher wheels that span the past 100 years or so.” Below are the photos I’ve received of the celebration event.…

H. O. Yardley – Reader of Gentlemen’s Mail

Cryptology historian and writer David Kahn (1930-2024) passed away on Jan. 23rd. Author of The Codebreakers, he’s one of the few civilian writers to make a really major impact on the field of cryptology, and was a co-founder of the Cryptologia journal, along with Louis Kruh (more on him later). I requested his Reader of…


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