Python GUI 050 – Transpo – Nihilist Transposition

The Nihilist Cipher dates back to the 1880s, and was used by the Russian Nihilist movement, purportedly for communications between prisoners. Generally, the name “Nihilist cipher” refers to a substitution type using a Polybius square with an additive; however, the ACA recognizes a second type which is transposition based. Nihilist Transposition uses a square (theContinue reading “Python GUI 050 – Transpo – Nihilist Transposition”

Python GUI 049 – Transpo – AMSCO

AMSCO is a variation of Columnar that was created by ACA member A. M. Scott. As such, the AMSCO code is very similar to the code for Complete and Incomplete Columnar, so I’m going to keep the write-up this time a little more brief. In essence, we’re still building up our rectangle in rows acrossContinue reading “Python GUI 049 – Transpo – AMSCO”

Python GUI 048 – Transpo – Columnar

Columnar Transposition (both Complete and Incomplete) represents a key turning point for the class of transposition ciphers in that it’s the first one that incorporates a hillclimbing solver in the collection. For this reason, I’ve been holding off on doing the write-up for it until I’d gotten all of the other types out of theContinue reading “Python GUI 048 – Transpo – Columnar”

Python GUI 047 – Transpo – Sequence

I wrote a bit about Sequence Transposition way back in Groundwork 3 – Keys. We’re going to need two pieces beyond our message: a 10-wide key, and a five digit primer. First, write out your message, minus any spaces and punctuation. We need this to get the length. (Manual encrypter/decrypter screen) LETSUSEALONGERTESTMESSAGETHISTIMEORMAYBENOT Length: 43 Next,Continue reading “Python GUI 047 – Transpo – Sequence”

Python GUI 046 – Transpo – Myszkowski

Myszkowski is kind of a variation on Incomplete Columnar Transposition. I’ve written about it before, so I’ll try to be brief here. The difference between Myszkowski and the other transposition types is that we want a key word or expression that has repeated letters. Let’s start by looking at the key. Say we use “MISSISSIPPI.”Continue reading “Python GUI 046 – Transpo – Myszkowski”

Python GUI 045 – Transpo – Railfence and Redefence

Along with Complete Columnar, Railfence is one of the easiest transposition types to work with. It gets its name from the vague appearance of an old wooden fence that used rails. The base approach is to pick the number of rows (rails) you want to use, then write the message in a “down-up” zigzag. (RailfenceContinue reading “Python GUI 045 – Transpo – Railfence and Redefence”

Python GUI 044 – Transpo Fixed Distance

The more I work on writing up the Transpo cipher solvers, the more I realize I have to elaborate more on general background subjects, too. I had to go in for a root canal treatment (one of four visits to the dentist for one tooth), and the anesthetic keeps wearing off before the dentist isContinue reading “Python GUI 044 – Transpo Fixed Distance”

Python GUI 043 – Transpo Groundwork 8 – Attack Types and Initialization

I’ve mentioned before that these articles are largely what I use for long-term memory. They’re also a form of whiteboard, where I noodle out various approaches to certain problems, often after I’m halfway through the current program. And that’s why we’re here today. Going back to the Crypto Solver, cryptarithms have one kind of attackContinue reading “Python GUI 043 – Transpo Groundwork 8 – Attack Types and Initialization”

Python GUI 041 – Transpo – Route Main File

It’s been so long, I’ve forgotten what I’d initially set out to do.Oh yeah, auto-solvers. This is the main file for the Route transposition functions. Function list:route_make_frames():. TKinker code for the E/D entry screenroute_ed(): ……… Encryption/Decryption codeget_box_dim(): …… Make sure we have a complete rectanglecheck_factors(): …. Make sure we have a complete rectangleroute_showtemplate(): Show theContinue reading “Python GUI 041 – Transpo – Route Main File”

Python GUI 039 – Transpo – Route Utils

Finally, I’m getting to the actual solvers. We’ll start with Route Transposition. Route has some special requirements that justify breaking the program up into two files – Utils (which largely handles the details for creating the different routes within an array (an n x m list object), and the main file (which has the codeContinue reading “Python GUI 039 – Transpo – Route Utils”

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